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Aggreko Hurricane Solutions

Hurricane solutions: contingency planning, support during the storm, and recovery afterward

From emergency power supply and generators to dehumidification, trust Aggreko to deliver a comprehensive hurricane recovery solution.

With Aggreko, get a team that understands the challenges at every stage:

  • Preparing for a hurricane with a backup generator
  • Support during the storm
  • Recovery afterward post-hurricane

Get ready for the hurricane season with Aggreko’s backup generators and effective contingency planning

When you’re in an environment that’s exposed to potential hurricanes, you need a structured approach to keeping your business operational.

It’s more than robust, reliable equipment rental –we’re a trusted, capable partner for comprehensive hurricane contingency planning.

Contact our contingency planning specialists

Emergency power supply during the hurricane

While a hurricane is in motion, the equipment that keeps your power connected could be damaged. That’s why a right-sized emergency power supply is key to maintaining your operations–and limiting the financial damage of storms. By working with Aggreko, you get a customized backup power supply, from robust diesel generators to sustainable, low-noise units.

Contact our emergency power specialists

Post-hurricane recovery services

It’s not just power outages that cause trouble. The impact of a hurricane doesn’t stop when the wind dies down.

Aggreko can help with a comprehensive range of hurricane disaster recovery services, including stepping in if your heating, cooling or air conditioning stops working.

At each of our worldwide locations, we have chillers, cooling towers, solutions, heat exchangers and dehumidifiers ready to go.

Contact our hurricane recovery specialists

Industrial power supply to speed up hurricane disaster recovery

It’s impossible to recover from a hurricane without a constant, dependable power supply. Aggreko can rapidly provide the temporary power you need, wherever and whenever you need it.

Rent industrial dehumidification equipment for hurricane recovery

When hurricanes cause flooding or introduce moisture to your facility, Aggreko’s industrial dehumidification equipment can help dry out enclosed spaces – reducing the chance of damage to walls, floors and equipment.

We’re experienced in providing dehumidification to reduce the impact of the elements, both for maintenance and in the wake of natural disasters like hurricanes. Once the hurricane is over, we’ll provide the perfect solution from our wide range of temporary solutions for industrial dehumidification.

Industrial heating and cooling solutions after hurricanes

Once your emergency power supply is in place, you’ll need a way to take back control of the environment, protecting your premises, people, and equipment from further damage.

As part of Aggreko’s hurricane recovery plans, we can provide industrial HVAC, dehumidification, heating, and more – just as we did when an oil refinery on the Gulf of Mexico took a direct hit from a hurricane. All backed by our expert guidance and knowledge of your industry and applications.

Contact our hurricane recovery specialists

Take a look at our experience

Providing emergency power for a treatment plant after a hurricane

Bringing power back after Hurricane Ida

We provide a full range of rental equipment that includes: